Susannah R. Pedigo and The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. have provided this website for informational purposes only, and nothing contained within the site constitutes legal advice. No content available on the website is intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and Susannah R. Pedigo and The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C.
You should not act or rely on any information contained within this website without seeking the advice of an attorney. Susannah R. Pedigo is not certified as a specialist by any bar or official organization. Do not send any confidential information concerning your situation to Susannah R. Pedigo or The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. unless you have first discussed the matter with Ms. Pedigo. Unless you have received confirmation from Ms. Pedigo that confidential information may be transmitted by you, no correspondence you send us will be treated as confidential.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon written information about qualifications and experience. The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. has endeavored to comply with legal and ethical requirements when compiling this website. However, portions of the site may not be correct, complete or current, and The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. assumes no liability for any errors.
Certain pages on this site may contain links to outside resources. The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. does not represent that such sites are accurate or that the information contained therein is correct, nor does The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. assert any claim to copyright or right to any information provided in such links. The Pedigo Law Firm, P.C. expressly disclaims any authorization to use trade names, registered trademarks, logos, seals or other copyrighted information contained in such links.